Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Say what?

Ever have one of those moments when you realize what you are saying sounds more like a haiku recited in Klingon that an actual sentence? 

speak klingon


Just me? 


Ever feel that because the majority of your conversations are with people who are below the age of five that you start to loose the ability to actually carry on a conversation with someone who is able to distinguish between a cheerio and a piece of crayon (choosing to NOT put either in their mouth)? I used to think it was just because my days, were in fact, spent predominately with a munchkin, that my language skills were fading, but even now, when I'm working and dealing with 'grown ups' on a daily basis, I still find my tongue and my brain at odds with one another.

Which, to say the very least, can be a tad bit embarassing.

I'm hoping, that a little further down the track, my brain will kick in again, and I shall once more be able to speak intelligently on a topic and not feel like I just lost about 20 IQ points.

One can hope.



  1. HA my kids used to speak their own language

    1. I think we all did. I know my brother and I had our own kind of language.

  2. That's how I feel at the end of a 19 hour work day lol

    1. So it doesn't just affect Mommy's - praise the gods. There's hope yet.

  3. After kids I think all mother's loose brain power. I think the more kids you have it gets worse too. ;)

    1. So, just having the one, I might be able to survive?

  4. Yes, yes, and yes. But it does come back, thankfully.
