- There's the 'fell asleep while eating' position, usually occurring at the dinner table and involving either a hand still grasping a spoon or fork, or a handful of food that never quite made it to their mouth
- Or the 'half on, half off' position, normally occurring on a couch, favorite chair, or even from time to time on their actual bed
- Or the 'fell asleep while doing something' position, similar to the first one, but this usually involves them holding onto a favorite toy or toys, surrounded by books (because they couldn't decide which book they wanted to read), or on the rare occasion, shoes
- Or the very popular (if somewhat uncomfortable) 'fell asleep in the car seat' position
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Little P - getting her beauty sleep in our bed (in the MIDDLE of our bed) |
My personal favorite is the 'fell asleep in Mommy and Daddy's bed and now they don't want to move me in case they wake me' position - yup, that ones a killer.
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